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Showing posts from 2025


 While in a night vision or dream, whichever, I saw myself with an "eternal" pen writing on a scroll. I had written the word "unseen" in Hebrew. I had also written the word "seen" in Hebrew. Then I came out of the dream...As I pondered on what this meant and researching the words I discovered that 'seen' in Hebrew is Ra'ah and "unseen" is Chavuy. The Torah begins with the letter Bet, representing the number two for Yehweh had created two worlds, the natural world (seen) and the supernatural (unseen). When Adam was created,  Yehweh breathed multible lives into him, the natural (seen) and the spiritual (unseen). Therefore we can & sould move in two realms! We all are citizens of a different realm than the natural. We are seperate from this natural world. Life in this present world is like walking down a hallway that leads to the supernatural realm. Learn to DISCERN the invisible things (unseen) from the creation of the world.  Roman...


 In 1 Corinthians 4:1 (NKJ) the Bible says "Let a man so consider us, as servants of  Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God."  A steward is not the owner, but the operator and only exercises the resources, power, or responsibilities given him with the interests and the mindset of the owner at heart and focus. We say we know God, who He is, how He moves. We say He is for me and not against me. Yet we lower the things that can not be understood and bring them to our level of understanding! We have'nt accepted the mysteries of God because we try to understand with our own wisdom and turn them into what we think it looks like, taking God out of the picture!  Jesus says in John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." We need that relationship, abiding in Him to engage the deeper things, the mysteries of Yehweh! We all have cried out for more, Lord, more... More, I believ...


 "But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him." John 4:23      True worship is born of & directed by Holy Spirit. The flow of worship is the result of our response to the presence of the Lord. Especially when it becomes an expression of pure adoration! Pure worship produces unity that produces frequency that opens the heavens and His presence is released as the glory falls upon us. I believe our pure worship brings the Spirit of Revelation & releases the anointing that brings the flow of the prophetic! The spirit of worship is in us and is just waiting for the opportunity for expression! Worship increases our desire to be in the Lord's presence. It's a key to our being sensitive to His presence and knowing His voice. Praise is thanking the Lord for all He has done for us. Worship is pure adoration for who He is! When we become quiet in an attitude of worshi...