Few comprehend or understand a visionary. A visionary may not accomplish much because he looks past the present and sees the future as being a present reality! Therefore he is unable to relate or function in the present. A practical person may not accomplish much either, as they get lost easily in the details and doesn't get the bigger picture! So, if a practical person and a visionary can come together in a tight relationship, much can be done to have a lasting reality! In order to accomplish the "greater works" described in John 14:12 we need to pray "Lord what do I say or do at the present "now" time that is your desire?" Then we wait for a now "present" word from the Lord! In Exodus 3:10 ,Yehweh is saying to us "come NOW, and I will send you..." So, in the realm of the Spirit, in the supernatural realm of Yehweh, Eternity is NOW...Yesterday is NOW... Tomorrow is NOW...Today is NOW... So what time is it? NOW is the time for grea
Fred and Marcella Williams have dedicated their lives to serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. For the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14