Revelation 4:1 in the Mirror Bible reads; Talking about our co-seatedness, I want you to see something! Oh wow! What I see takes my breath away! A wide-open door in the heavenly realm! The first thing I heard was this voice addressing me! It was distinct and clear, like the sound of a trumpet; it captured my attention, inviting me to enter. "Come up here and I will show you how everything coincides with what you have already seen!" (Thought... If you can hear His voice can see His face!) Before we can rule in the earthly realm, we need to operate in authority in the heavenly realm. We have to go up and down before we can go to and fro. The trouble is, we have tried to bring heaven down while standing in the earthly realms. That's why we have been beaten up so much by the enemy: we have been trying to come against spiritual forces of wickedness and darkness w...
Fred and Marcella Williams have dedicated their lives to serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. For the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14