Of all the stories in the Bible, from the parting of the Red Sea to the raising of Lazaras from the dead, the conversion of Paul may be the most miraculous. With Paul, God changed a human heart. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God promised He would take away the heart of stone from the hardened Israelites and replace it with a heart of flesh, a heart malleable, tender and God-fearing. With all that's happening in the world today, the hate and violence----People seem so hard-hearted. But we serve a God who can change a heart. We can't legislate morality or love, But God can turn hearts of stone into loving hearts of flesh, and like Ananias to Paul, we can be ready to help them when He does! Lord, work in the hearts of people. Turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. And, Lord, if t...
Fred and Marcella Williams have dedicated their lives to serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. For the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14