While in worship in my secret place, there came a moment when I found myself in HIS secret place. He gave(download?)this illustration concerning my understanding of Holy Spirit and how He "sevens" us. When Holy Spirit comes IN you, the following seven follows; #1. He remains. #2. For worship. #3. He fills on the inside. #4. cannot be lost. #5. Eternal. #6. Operates by your will. #7. Available after Pentecost... When Holy Spirit comes ON(upon)you, #1. He comes & goes #2. For work. #3. He fills to overflowing. #4. Can be lost. #5. Temporal(not eternal). #6. Operates by HIS will. #7. Available before & after Pentecost. There are two(2) parts to Holy Spirit's ministry, One that is IN you, abiding within you, never leaving you. 2Corinthians{NKJ} 1:21-22 reads "NOW HE WHO ESTABLISHES US WITH YOU "IN" CHRIST AND HAS ANOINTED US IS GOD, WHO HAS SEALED US AND GIVEN US THE HOLY SPIRIT IN OUR HEARTS AS A *GUARANTEE." *This word is Greek "arrabon...
Fred and Marcella Williams have dedicated their lives to serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. For the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14