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Showing posts from January, 2014


"She's the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Hold her tight-and be blessed!" Proverbs 3:18(TheMessage) Our inheritance from Abba includes the gift of wisdom, which will restore to us what was lost through the fall. When Adam & Eve sinned they were expelled from Paradise so they wouldn't eat from the Tree of Life & live forever in their sin. Then He placed a huge fiery revolving sword and stationed a angel to guard the entrance. The good news is through the victory of Yeshua at the cross and the resurrection, the angel and the sword have been removed and we are free to eat from the Tree of Life! In the spirit of wisdom and understanding we grasp that to embrace her(wisdom), there is a cleaving to that opens our heart to understand that He(Yeshua) IS the source of all wisdom. When we cleave to Him we are embracing the Tree of Life, getting back what was lost! We are the Bride, the overcomers who remember their first love, the living flames of love who ...