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Showing posts from April, 2013


"When David had served God's purpose in his own generation,he fell asleep"...Acts 13:36. God has a plan, a purpose for each of us...our destiny! All of us are born into purpose. We were in Him and in His thoughts before we were conceived by earthly parents! He purposed us for this time in history with unique strengths and weaknesses, with natural and supernatural gifts. In this scripture verse, Paul comments on the life of King David and set all of David's success and failure, his defeats and his victories, in one truth. He fulfilled his destiny!!! God had a certain purpose for David and his life which mirrored the larger plan and purpose God had for that generation! Even after making mistake after mistake, David still performed his purpose. How about our purpose for being in this time and this place? We ask you God,to make our destiny so clear that we can take ownership of it... and perform it! No matter the obstacles and opposition!!! ...