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This is my time and this is my moment. I am not settling where I am! I will to take steps of faith to pursue new opportunities, to explore new paradigms, to break old habits and mindsets, to do things I've never attempted, KNOWING it's not too late to accomplish EVERYTHING God has put on my scroll! In 2 Timothy 1:6(NIV) Paul tells Timothy, "Stir up the gift. Fan the flame", He was encouraging him saying, "Life is flying by. Get busy going after your destiny, that is what's on your scroll!" We have to stay passionate about what God has put in our heart. We can't let life's disappointments convince us to give up and settle where we are. Let's get our fire back! Listen! We may have been through some "stuff", things might not be the way you hoped they would be by NOW. Shake it off, ALL the disappointments! Catch a fresh new vision for your destiny to come into focus!!! There is FAVOR in your FUTURE when you fan the flame!!!


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