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Showing posts from August, 2012


There are soldiers in the U.S. Army who make a decision to serve in a more profound way. They choose to join with the elite and go into Special Forces and try to win the Green Beret! There is no wining and dining on the army's part. It is no invitation to vacation. Instead, it's a twelve mile run followed by a mile swim with your uniform on, including boots. And that's day one! It's called TRAINING and prepares this elite group to accomplish missions under the toughest conditions, not unlike the kingdom life! We are in training to ready us for the wonderful glory coming. God doesn't thrive on tormenting His sons. He knows the big picture in ways we don't that pain prepares us for. Those that are successful through these painful situations are those God can trust for the glorious opportunities awaiting. He is making us ready for the glory of His Kingdom. Training that will show up as we go through the process and find ourselves ...IN HIM!!! Then the scripture Rom...


God wants to open the door of understanding so we can receive and comprehend His Ways, His Thoughts and His Kingdom. We, as the body of Christ,must rid ourselves of bad theology, old teaching and mindsets that don't align with the true Word of God. God wants to reveal Himself to a humble, willing heart and take them to the depths of His knowledge and His revelation! He doesn't want to leave us at the place we are now. He wants to take us to our rightful place of perfection in Christ Jesus. He wants to bring us into the fullness of Glory that awaits us!!! So lets go deeper into the true Word Of God, the depths of the spirit realm we haven't reached and find out what is written on our scrolls ... and begin to walk in it! Eternity beacons and our destiny awaits. LET'S SET OUR MIND AND GO!!! "DO NOT FEAR, DANIEL, FOR FROM THE FIRST DAY THAT YOU SET YOUR MIND TO GAIN UNDERSTANDING AND TO HUMBLE YOURSELF BEFORE YOUR GOD, YOUR WORDS HAVE BEEN HEARD, AND I HAVE COME BECAUS...