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Showing posts from April, 2012


So, if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through. John 8:36 (The Message) Religion says, "Do." Jesus says, "Done." When Jesus shed His precious blood on the cross, He didn't say "To be continued." He said "It is finished." The Bible says that "He is the First and the Last" and "the author and finisher of our faith. Because of the blood of Jesus, you are no longer under the law but under grace. Your past was erased. You are free from guilt and have victory over the devil. The Lord has provided you with a better covenant, which was established on better promises. You are delivered from guilt and condemnation because the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed for your freedom and liberty! It is yours, TRUE FREEDOM, through the Blood of the the Cross. Take it, it's yours!!!


"So, friends, we can now say-without hesitation- walk right up to God, into the Holy Place. Jesus has cleared the way by the BLOOD of His sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The 'curtain' into God's presence is His body." Hebrews 10:19-21(The Message) In the spirit of Passover, Let us ponder three important words. Number one, INNOCENCE, Adam loved God in innocence. His trust in God was tested and was found lacking. Number two, RIGHTEOUSNESS, Abraham was God's friend. His trust in God was tested and he believed God. It was counted to him as righteousness. Number three, PERFECTION, Jesus was tested in all things and was perfected through His obedience. His obedience has thrust us into the realm of victory!!! That we really are more than conquerors and we truly are overcomers... not by our obedience but because of His. He is our PASSOVER... It's the blood, it's the blood. It was His precious Blood that paid The Way into the Holy of Holies. Only be...