But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 A bruise is an internal injury, just as iniquity is an inner torment that plagues us from a generational source. Iniquities are usually passed down our bloodline three or four generations. The Bible says in the end times love will grow cold because iniquity will abound. Let's ask ourselves is love growing cold? Well iniquity must be abounding! Fear, lust, anger and pride are the four basic iniquities that plague us. These are not just sins, they are the cause of our sins and transgressions. The blood that Jesus shed internally was for us to be acquitted of these inner torments. All the rights the enemy had to charge us with died when we were born again and the old man died!!! Our covenant right is that we were made brand new, a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things are dead and we live anew in Jesus. The bruises on His body are another way that He bled to free us from sin, transgression and iniquity. He who the Son makes free IS free indeed. John 8:36 FREEDOM ... HERE, NOW, TODAY!
Exodus 34:6 And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering , and abounding in goodness and truth... In this verse IS the disposition of Messiah. The early church used this important verse to judge prophecy and conduct in the church atmosphere. There were three elders who were in charge of hearing and deciding if what was said and done in that time was in the disposition of Messiah. In this very shaky and explosive time we are living in (exciting & wonderful time I might add) it would serve us well if we would write this verse on the tablet of our heart and in every circumstance, situation we find ourselves apply it rightly and justly. By doing this, we, as the body of Christ, will start looking like the "church" the public has never seen!!!
very good message of hope that we do not have to remain lost, hopeless, fearful and without God in our lives. yes, I believe that who the Son sets free is free indeed